– Daniel Keys Moran
Data Collection Statistics
Physiological Data is collected continuously from the SickKids Critical Care Unit
Weekly Points Collected

Patient ECG Hours

Physiological signals collected in the last hour
Unique patients in AtriumDB
Current data collection rate (points/sec)
Data Points in AtriumDB
Who we are
Our transdisciplinary group is embedded in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario and has expertise in clinical medicine, engineering, computer science, signal analysis and physiological modelling. This team structure allows us to identify cross disciplinary solutions to the many unsolved problems faced by critically ill children. To facilitate this work, we focus both on creating customized solutions for data capture as well as devising novel approaches to analysis and interpretation.
TD Bank Group
TD Bank Group
LaussenLabs is grateful for the generosity of Toronto Dominion (TD) Bank which has provided annual funding for critical care analytics at the Hospital for Sick Children. This funding has historically supported the Artemis project in the Newborn Intensive Care unit in collaboration with the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Currently this gift funds infrastructure and personnel requirements for physiological data banking (Physiobanking) in AtriumDB.
SickKids Foundation
Healthier Children. A Better World.™ is a vision everyone at SickKids shares, and it guides SickKids Foundation as we look to advance paediatric care, teaching and research. SickKids Foundation was established in 1972 and is the largest non-governmental child health granting agency in Canada. Working with our philanthropic partners in the community, we seek transformational change that improves the lives of children everywhere and creates a better world for all of us.
We gratefully acknowledge support from SickKids Foundation.